
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020


 Hi! Today I will tell you about my childhood. Curiously, whenever I listen to the Red Hot Chili Peppers I remember my childhood, it's because my older brother listened to that band all day in our house. I have two older brothers, with them I have a lot of age difference. When I was 7-8 years old they were already teenagers. One of my favorite memories of my childhood is when they broadcast "Malcolm in the middle" on television, I have always thought that my family is similar to Malcom's family, especially my mother is very similar to Lois. She gets mad like Lois in the series. When I turned 10 I learned to ride a bicycle, I had a friend near my house and with her we traveled the nearby streets. More than once I fell, but I never suffered a fracture. I also learned to rollerblade. At present I'm a very sedentary woman, I don't do any kind of sport. I think my childhood in general was good, I appreciate that my parents never opposed my decisions. That's me


My best concert experience so far was seeing Iron Maiden live at the National Stadium in 2016. It was my first concert and I was very excited, the band had released a new album and that was the main reason for the tour. Also, another band called Anthrax was played, it's 80s thrash metal. My brother and his friend accompanied me, who also like that kind of music.  Iron Maiden is a classic British heavy metal band, undoubtedly one of the most important of the musical genre. I think many have heard several of his songs. Seeing them play live is something incredible, even though their members are quite old, they convey a lot of feeling and energy. But the most important moment for me was when they played "Fear Of The Dark" and the whole stadium sang in unison. I have also been to the Black Sabbath and Behemoth concert, next year I will go see Opeth, one of my favorite Swedish bands.Without a doubt, metal and its sub genres is my lifelong musical style. Bye bye!


 Hello guys, one of the countries that I would like to visit is Iceland because it has an amanzing geography. It's characterized by having volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, lava fields and huge glaciers. In addition, it's history is quite interesting, since the first settlements were Vikings. Currently it's a country with a very small population, about 365,000 people, there are even more sheep than inhabitants. Once I graduate as a geographer I would like to know the country since I will have enough knowledge to understand the geomorphology of the place, I would like to visit cities like Reykjavik and Ísafjörður. Although the quality of life is quite good, I would not like to live in that country since being near the North Pole in summer there is sunlight all day while in winter it's considerably reduced. I think this phenomenon could affect my mental health. So I hope one day to go as a tourist or work a few months in Iceland. Bye!